Welcome to spexxy’s documentation!

spexxy is a spectrum fitting framework.

Installing spexxy

Download or clone the repository. Then install the requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Finally, install spexxy:

python3 setup.py install

If you want to install spexxy without root permissions for the local user only, you add the –user switch to both commands.

Running spexxy

A basic call of spexxy is of the form:

spexxy config.yaml *.fits

which uses the configuration given in config.yaml in order to process the files specified by *.fits.

By default, results are written into a CSV file named spexxy.csv, but this can be changed using the –output parameter. The CSV file will contain one line per file, each giving the filename and all results for that file.

A previous fit can be continued by adding the –resume switch, which then ignores all files, for which an entry in the output CSV file exists.

If –mp <N> is provided, the processing of the files will be parallelized in N processes, of which each runs a part of the given files sequentially.

Basic configuration

A basic configuration file for spexxy might look like this:

  class: path.to.module.SomeClass
  variable: 123

With this config, spexxy tries to instantiante SomeClass from package path.to.module (which must therefore be in the PYTHONPATH), and forwards all other parameters next to the class element to its constructor. Then the object is called, i.e. its __call__() method is called.

Basic fit example

A little more complex example that would actually run a parameter fit on the given spectra looks like this:

  class: spexxy.main.ParamsFit
      class: spexxy.component.GridComponent
          class: spexxy.interpolator.LinearInterpolator
            class: spexxy.grid.FilesGrid
            filename: /path/to/grid.csv
      - class: spexxy.init.InitFromValues
          logg: 4.5
          Alpha: 0.
          v: 0
          sig: 0
    star: [sig, Alpha, logg]

As the main routine, in this case the ParamsFit class is provided with one parameter for its constructor, which is a list of “components” for the fit.

One component is provided and will be created from the spexxy.component.Grid class, which encapsules a Grid or Interpolator object, which, in turn, is also given here in the form of a UlyssInterpolator with its one required parameter. All the objects defined by class attributes will automatically be created by spexxy.

References in the configuration

Note that for better readability, the config file can also be written in the following form:

    class: spexxy.grid.FilesGrid
    filename: /path/to/grid.csv

    class: spexxy.interpolator.LinearInterpolator
    grid: phxgrid

    class: spexxy.component.Grid
    interpolator: phx
    - class: spexxy.init.InitFromValues
        logg: 4.5
        Alpha: 0.
        v: 0
        sig: 0

  class: spexxy.main.ParamsFit
  components: [star]
    star: [sig, Alpha, logg]

This works, because instead of defining all parameter objects directly in the configuration of a given class, spexxy also supports referencing. The GridComponent requires for its interpolator parameter either an object of type Interpolator, or a definition in form of a dictionary containing a class element, or the name of an object that is defined with the interpolators of the configuration. Same works for ParamsFit, which accepts a reference to the component named star, which is defined in the components block.