
Classes derived from the Init class initialize the parameters of components. After creating an Init, it is applied to a component by calling it with the component and a filename as parameters. Therefore a derived class must implement both the constructor __init__() and __call__().

spexxy comes with a few pre-defined init classes:

  • InitFromCsv reads initial values from a CSV file.
  • InitFromPath looks for a file of the same name in a given path and reads the initial values from its FITS header.
  • InitFromValues takes initial values directly from its constructor.
  • InitFromVhelio takes coordinates and time from the FITS header, and calculates the heliocentric or baryiocentric correction, which then can be set as initial value for a component.


class spexxy.init.Init(*args, **kwargs)

Init is the base class for all objects that can initialize values of a component.

__call__(cmp: spexxy.component.component.Component, filename: str)

Initializes values for the given component.

  • cmp (Component) – Component to initialize.
  • filename (str) – Name of file containing spectrum to create mask for.
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Initialize an Init object.


class spexxy.init.InitFromCsv(filename: str = 'initials.csv', filename_col: str = 'Filename', parameters: list = None, cmp_sep: str = ' ', *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a component from a line in a CSV file.

This class, when called, initializes the given parameters (or all if None) of a given component to the values in the given CSV file.

__call__(cmp: spexxy.component.component.Component, filename: str)

Initializes parameters of the given component with values from the CSV given in the configuration.

Parameters:cmp – Component to initialize.

filename: Filename of spectrum.

__init__(filename: str = 'initials.csv', filename_col: str = 'Filename', parameters: list = None, cmp_sep: str = ' ', *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a new Init object.

  • filename – Name of CSV file.
  • filename_col – Name of column containing filename.
  • parameters – List of parameter names to set from CSV.
  • cmp_sep – String separating component and parameter name in CSV.


class spexxy.init.InitFromPath(path: str, *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a component from another file in a given directory.

This class, when called, initializes the parameters of a given component to the values in the header of a file with the same name (usually written in a previous fit) in the given directory.

__call__(cmp: spexxy.component.component.Component, filename: str)

Initializes parameters of the given component with values from another file.

  • cmp – Component to initialize.
  • filename – Name of file (in given path) to read initial values from.
__init__(path: str, *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a new Init object.

Parameters:path – Path in which to look for the file to read the initial values from.


class spexxy.init.InitFromValues(values: dict, *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a component from given values.

This class, when called, initializes the parameters of a given component to the provided values from a dict.

__call__(cmp: spexxy.component.component.Component, filename: str)

Initializes parameters of the given component with values from the configuration

  • cmp – Component to initialize.
  • filename – Unused.
__init__(values: dict, *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a new Init object.

Parameters:values – Dictionary of key/value pairs defining initial values for the component’s parameters.


class spexxy.init.InitFromVhelio(negative: bool = False, parameter: str = 'v', scale: str = 'utc', obs: str = 'paranal', kind: str = 'barycentric', *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a component from the heliocentric correction calculated for RA/Dec given in the FITS headers.

This class, when called, initializes a single parameter (the radial velocity, default to “v”) of the given component with the heliocentric correction calculated from RA/DEC/DATE-OBS in the given file.

__call__(cmp: spexxy.component.component.Component, filename: str)

Initializes the radial velocity parameter of a given component to the (negative) heliocentric correction.

  • cmp – Component to initialize.
  • filename – Name of file containing RA/DEC/DATE-OBS in FITS header to calculate correction from.
__init__(negative: bool = False, parameter: str = 'v', scale: str = 'utc', obs: str = 'paranal', kind: str = 'barycentric', *args, **kwargs)

Initializes a new Init object.

  • negative – If True, uses the negative of the calculated correction.
  • parameter – Name of the parameter in the component to set.
  • scale – Time scale to use for DATE-OBS.
  • obs – Observatory to use for calculating correction.
  • kind – Either barycentric or heliocentric.