
The methods in spexxytools isochrone can be used to manipulate and apply isochrones.


With this command one can apply a given isochrone to all stars in a given photometry file. The tool derives effective temperatures, surface gravities and current masses for all entries:

usage: spexxytools isochrone apply [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [--id ID [ID ...]] [--filter1 FILTER1] [--filter2 FILTER2] [--filter1-iso FILTER1_ISO] [--filter2-iso FILTER2_ISO] [--nearest] [--check-teff CHECK_TEFF CHECK_TEFF] [--check-logg CHECK_LOGG CHECK_LOGG] [--check-mact CHECK_MACT CHECK_MACT]
                                   [--quadratic | --cubic]
                                   isochrone photometry

positional arguments:
  isochrone             File containing the isochrone
  photometry            File containing the photometry

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output file
  --id ID [ID ...]      IDs from photometry file to copy to the output
  --filter1 FILTER1     First filter to use
  --filter2 FILTER2     Second filter to use
  --filter1-iso FILTER1_ISO
                        First filter in isochrone to use (--filter1 if empty)
  --filter2-iso FILTER2_ISO
                        Second filter in isochrone to use (--filter2 if empty)
  --nearest             Use nearest neighbour instead of polynomial
  --check-teff CHECK_TEFF CHECK_TEFF
                        Only apply values if Teff within range
  --check-logg CHECK_LOGG CHECK_LOGG
                        Only apply values if logg within range
  --check-mact CHECK_MACT CHECK_MACT
                        Only apply values if Mact within range
  --quadratic           Use quadratic polynomial instead of linear one
  --cubic               Use cubic polynomial instead of linear one


Tries to automatically cut an isochrone to given regions (MS, RGB, …):

usage: spexxytools isochrone cut [-h] [-p] input output {MS,SGB,RGB,HB,AGB} [{MS,SGB,RGB,HB,AGB} ...]

positional arguments:
  input                Input file containing the isochrone
  output               Output file
  {MS,SGB,RGB,HB,AGB}  Regions to include

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -p, --plot           Plot result


Interpolates an isochrone along a given parameter:

usage: spexxytools isochrone interpolate [-h] [--count COUNT] [--column COLUMN] [--space SPACE SPACE] [-p] input output

positional arguments:
  input                Input file containing the isochrone
  output               Output file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --count COUNT        Number of points for new isochrone
  --column COLUMN      Column used for interpolation
  --space SPACE SPACE  Space for distance calculations
  -p, --plot           Plot result